6.1. EstVis mobile client installation


Last Update 1 年前

EstVis mobile client – the app for iOS and Android platforms. It partly duplicates some Workflow's functionality, as well as includes some specific features like: photo documentation process; scanning and recognizing VIN and DRL; parts and materials transfer through scanning QR codes.

EstVis mobile client can be installed in two ways:

1) by visiting https://estvis.com/ website

1) by visiting https://estvis.com/ website

Go to https://estvis.com/ and tap on the icon in the left upper corner.

Open the sidebar menu and tap on Download.

Click the appropriate option from the menu depending on the platform you are using – iOS or Android.

This will redirect you to the AppStore or GooglePlay page with the EstVis application.

Follow the instructions to install the app.

2) installing from the AppStore or GooglePlay directly

Alternatively, you can download the app right from the AppStore or GooglePlay using the appropriate QR code below or click one of the link depending on your device's platform:

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