1.2. Confirmation actions
Last Update há 2 anos
After submitting the completed registration form from the website or from the mobile application, you will receive three emails in sequence:
Email #1 with subject EstVis | Account activation
This is needed only for your email address confirmation and activating your account.
Just click Activate my account button and then you will receive next two emails.
Email #2 with subject Welcome to EstVis | Step 1 of 2
This email contains administrative credentials for your account.
Use them to log in as a company Administrator on estvis.com – this role is needed among other things to create company users, setup company settings and customize various options.
You can also use these credentials to log in EstVis Workflow and EstVis mobile application as well but we recommend to create a separate user with Manager role choosing any available custom login and setting your own password.
Click here to learn more about company initialization.
Email #3 with subject Welcome to EstVis | Step 2 of 2
The final email includes instructions for installing EstVis Desktop Server and EstVis mobile clients for iOS and Android.
This email also provides you with system (server) credentials that used only by EstVis Desktop Server.
Download and install EstVis Desktop Server, then once you launch it you will see authorization form where these system credentials should be filled in.
Click here to learn more about EstVis Desktop Server installation process.